Friday, August 26, 2011

Through Hardships to the Stars!

Once again, the JPIAns proved their competitiveness!

We would like to congratulate the members of the JPIA Karakol Team for winning this year's Feast of Saints Karakol Competition!

We would also like to extend our sincerest gratitude to everyone who helped us in achieving this goal! May God bless each and one of us!


Sunday, May 8, 2011

Format Required. Please READ before downloading

Please use the following format. (Download the file below)
Use tables instead of tabs. (Use AutoFit to contents)
Just copy paste the sample and edit the text for easy formatting.
Don't change the formatting, it has been prepared for content indexing and tabulation.

For single rule, use Ctrl+U (Underline)
For double rule, use Ctrl+Shift+D (Double underline)

Use P for Peso Signs (Don't use PhP)

Download the file:
Please save in the .docx format. Don't save in 1997-2003 (.doc) format because formatting will be lost.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

[Announcement] Pre-clearance Signing

Pre-clearance signing (PCS) will be on 19 March 2011, Saturday from 9:00 AM to 12:00 NN. Every member is required to attend the PCS.
Please take note of the following requirements:
1. JPIA Handbook and/or JPIA Minihandbook
2. List of Extracurricular Activities (LEA) (Please take note of the guidelines in this file or this file)

Also, please wear a white-colored top (e.g. shirt, polo shirt, etc) for the individual photo taking for the JPIA Annual Report (JAR).

For your compliance.

In true JPIAn spirit,

Reymark C. Lazo
JPIA President (2010-2011)